[TUV-SUDISO 9001:2015 Certified Unit]
Asia Dawn Bio Care

ADBC has objective to ensuring supply of quality products to farmer. Organization follows specific and appropriate microbiological techniques for high-quality bio inoculants products. To achieve adequate quality control of a product, ADBC has adopted quality control procedure by establishing standards. The objective of Microbiology lab, Quality Control and Research & Development Lab, Plant Health clinic, Leaf Tissue analysis lab to enhances the nutrient use efficiency for higher plants and developing research-based, good quality, long self-life, cost-effective different carrier based powdered, liquid bio inoculants and introducing the first time in agriculture, a dextrose base lyophilized (Freeze Drying technology) single and consortia products.

The following points have to take into consideration while adopting quality control procedures:

Adequate microbiological laboratory facilities to produce quality bio inoculants by qualified microbiologists, Plant Pathologist & Biotechnologist. Microbiology lab, Quality Control and Research & Development Lab, Plant Health clinic, Leaf Tissue analysis lab have well equipped and provides aseptic growth chamber, LAF and bio-safety working chamber
Different agro-climatic, crop specific and pretested potent microorganisms collected from reputed scientific organization or novel isolates screened by own Research & Development Lab
Qualities assuring at each steps from media preparation to product packaging and validation of own product at set intervals i.e. physical status (colour, texture, odour) of product and microbial viabilities
Advanced upgraded bioreactor having high microbial mass production under controlled conditions
Uses the mechanized sterilization technique for carrier material
Poly bag, plastic bottle sterilized by standard procedure
Filling chamber maintained a well hygienic conditions under AHU (Air Handling Unit) 10000 CFM
Maintenance and preservation of the novel microorganisms as per standard procedure
Regular training organised for skill and non-skill employee
Storage of packed bio inoculants products at cool and dry place
Random quality testing of bio inoculants and products by different authorised quality control laboratories
Follow the legislation for quality standard

For production of quality inoculants, production units must pay attention to the following points:

Trained microbiological staff and adequate technical facilities.
Authentication of recommended strain.
Adoption of standardised sterile & hygienic technique of production of bio-fertilizers & Bio-Pesticides.

To ensure quality of bio-fertilizers & Bio-Pesticides these constraints should be overcome.

Occupational health and safety for Biofertilizer & Bio-Pesticides:

The ethical manufacture of good-quality biofertilizer & Bio-Pesticides products requires both safe production and safe use in agriculture. This demands that the manufacturing procedures and selected micro-organisms must have passed a rigorous risk assessment, considering the following factors:

All bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides micro-organisms used should be known to be non-pathogenic to humans, animals or plants. Obviously, this requirement demands that they be identified by genus and species. In normal practice, this will mean that if there is significant doubt about the identification of any microbial strain, this strain should not be used, irrespective of how successfully it promotes plant growth and crop yield.

Information on whether there are incompatibilities between bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides micro-organisms and other beneficial strains of microbes that farmers may need to use (such as rhizobia for inoculating legumes & Biofungicide for infection of fungus ) should also be prominently displayed, preferably on the label.

Safeguarding human health should be a strict operating principle in bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides factories, including protection from heavy lifting and other hazards.

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