Quality Control Laboratory
Asia Dawn Bio Care

To maintain a high-quality product there should be an effective quality assurance or quality control. Quality control can be defined as the process of measuring defined quality parameters of a product. Quality assurance is an overall check that quality control procedures and techniques are achieving what they intend to achieve.

To achieve adequate quality control of a product, quality needs to be defined by establishing standards. Standards may incorporate a number of parameters relating to what is known about product efficacy. Most of our understanding of microbial inoculants quality comes from extensive studies of inoculants and their effective application to crops.

Recently, Ministry of Agriculture has issued an amendment in fertilizer control Act 1985 and now it is termed as Fertilizer (Control) & Bio- pesticide: Central insecticide Board (CIB).

The quality of biofertilizer & Bio-Pesticide could be defined in terms of two important characters viz. Presence of recommended strain in requisite number and active form. If any of the above character is missing in the product, the biofertilizer could be termed as sub-standard.

Quality Control Measures

Since, Biofertilizers 7 Bio-Pesticide contains live cells; care should be taken during their transportation and storage.
It should contain minimum of 109 viable cells of microorganisms /ml or gram of the carrier material.
It should be free from any contaminant /contamination with other microorganisms.
pH should be in the range of 6.0-7.5.
It should induce desired beneficial effects on all those crops, species /cultivars listed on the packet before the expiry date.

For production of quality inoculants, production units must pay attention to the following points:

Trained microbiological staff and adequate technical facilities.
Authentication of recommended strain.
Adoption of standardised sterile & hygienic technique of production of bio-fertilizers & Bio-Pesticides.

To ensure quality of bio-fertilizers & Bio-Pesticides these constraints should be overcome.

Occupational health and safety for Biofertilizer & Bio-Pesticides:

The ethical manufacture of good-quality biofertilizer & Bio-Pesticides products requires both safe production and safe use in agriculture. This demands that the manufacturing procedures and selected micro-organisms must have passed a rigorous risk assessment, considering the following factors:

All bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides micro-organisms used should be known to be non-pathogenic to humans, animals or plants. Obviously, this requirement demands that they be identified by genus and species. In normal practice, this will mean that if there is significant doubt about the identification of any microbial strain, this strain should not be used, irrespective of how successfully it promotes plant growth and crop yield.

Information on whether there are incompatibilities between bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides micro-organisms and other beneficial strains of microbes that farmers may need to use (such as rhizobia for inoculating legumes & Biofungicide for infection of fungus ) should also be prominently displayed, preferably on the label.

Safeguarding human health should be a strict operating principle in bio-fertiliser & Bio-Pesticides factories, including protection from heavy lifting and other hazards.

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